Free webinar February 12, 8:30 PM Eastern: A Demonstration of Creating a Revision Grid: A Free Webinar and Preview. See below for link to recording. The revision grid is a useful and flexible tool, one we teach in all of our revision classes. It helps a writer get a grasp on what they've written in a story, scene by scene, and start to figure out what is missing, in the wrong place, or not set up as they intended.

In this webinar, we will not only explain what a revision grid is, but demonstrate how to create and use one by working on the first two chapters of Dave at Night by Gail Carson Levine (read them ahead of time to follow along!). We will also give you handouts you can use to make your own revision grids, and provide open class discussion via a chat room, with time for questions.

The live webinar has been broadcast. You can stream the recording of it from our webinar platform, Zoom.

Note: Both those watching the webinar live and those watching the recording got our mailings about the webinar, the recording, and handouts. Live participants got links to our webinar platform.

This webinar can be watched on its own, but like other free webinars we've given, it also introduces participants to Kid's Book Revisions, our approach to webinars, and our upcoming webinar series, "Revising and Re-Imagining Your Novel or Chapter Book" (coming up February-April). We'll not only teach you this useful tool but show you where it appears in that webinar class, and give you an idea of what to expect if you take the class. On its own, this free webinar will teach you something you may not know. We hope that you will also want to sign up for the revision and re-imagining webinar class after you watch the recording, but you're under no obligation to do so.

Our backgrounds:

Eileen Robinson published both fiction and nonfiction as an Executive Editor at Scholastic, as well as at Harcourt. She got her start in educational publishing in classroom and school and library and moved on to work with magazines, book clubs, book fairs and Scholastic trade, helping to create product that could work across markets.

Now an editorial consultant, she works with both published and unpublished authors on picture books through young adult novels, and helps them strengthen their writing and get published. She also consults with publishers on manuscripts before they go to press. Eileen created the site to help authors and partnered with Harold Underdown to provide online tutorials at Kids Book Revisions (, where you can get the benefit of two professional editors simultaneously. She also founded and runs Move Books, a children's book publisher dedicated to moving boys to read.

Harold Underdown is an independent editor; he does critiques, helps to develop manuscripts, and provides other editorial and consulting services for individuals and publishers.

Harold wrote The Complete Idiot's Guide to Children's Book Publishing, now in its third edition. He founded and runs "The Purple Crayon," a respected web site with information about the children's publishing world at He speaks and gives workshops through the Highlights Foundation, SCBWI's national and regional conferences, and Kid's Book Revisions (offering online and on-site tutorials and workshops in partnership with Eileen Robinson).

As an in-house editor, he worked at Macmillan, Orchard, and Charlesbridge, and has experience in trade and educational publishing.

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