How to Apply for a Scholarship

As we have done in the past with our webinars, we are offering scholarships to "An Introduction to the Practical Side and the Mysteries of Line-editing". Students can qualify for these in different ways. For all four options listed below, we need a short statement about where you are in your career as a writer, including what you've written and what conferences or other educational experiences you have had over the past year, plus information that will help us determine how you qualify for a particular one.

Applications are now closed.

Financial need: We are not setting specific criteria for this, but we do want to hear from full-time students or people who are unemployed. You should tell us what you think we need to know, but at a minimum we expect to hear why you can't take the webinar without a scholarship and how you will benefit from taking the class now.

We are not pre-setting the number of financial-need scholarships we will grant, though we are open to offering both partial and full. Apply for this scholarship only if you will not be able to take the class if one is not granted, not with the intention of registering and paying later.

Contributor defined: The following scholarships were created at the request of three of our contributors, who we had offered a seat in the class to give to a friend or otherwise dispose of. They chose to challenge us to offer these.

Kate Messner "Opening the Door" scholarship: Kate asked us to offer this to someone who belongs to a group that is traditionally under-represented among children's book writers.

Pat Zietlow Miller "It's Not Too Late" scholarship: Pat asked us to offer this to someone who is over 50 and not yet published.

Melissa Stewart "STEM" scholarship: Melissa asked us to offer this to someone who is writing a STEM book, fiction or nonfiction. Please submit the manuscript as part of the application (for longer works, a sample chapter and synopsis is fine.).

Applications are due by September 19 and we expect to announce recipients over the following weekend, which is the weekend before the class begins.

To anticipate a couple of questions: yes, you may apply for more than one, but you must send in separate emails for each; you can apply for a contributor-defined scholarship and register for the class if you do not get it.

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